Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kinsale, the Pearl Harbor of Ireland

From Killorglin, we drove back south to County Cork and Kinsale. This natural harbor once was of major importance to England during its occupation. It was also occupied by a Spanish armada and the French. Today it is a bustling touring center. Upon arrival, Gene immediately spotted the burgee of the Kinsale Yacht Club, where we enjoyed a drink and chatted with three sailors who had just arrived on their yacht from Waterford.

The bay from the road leading to Fort Charles.

Fort Charles once guarded the harbor and was occupied by about 2,000 English troops. This star-shaped fort is one of Ireland's Heritage sites.

We drove out to Old Head, a peninsula jutting into the Atlantic Ocean. This was the final headland seen by at least a million Irish who emigrated to the United States after leaving Cobh Harbor near Cork. We enjoyed lunch at the Old Head Golf Course clubhouse overlooking the 18th green and lighthouse on the point.

This area is rich in maritime history. The last port of the Titanic was Cobh, and the Lusitania sank offshore. Today, cruise ships pull into Cobh.

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