Sunday, May 23, 2010


We were as close to heaven as you can get on the coastal cliffs and still have your feet planted on the sod that is Ireland. These cliffs in County Donegal are 200 meters higher than the Cliffs of Moher and get far less tourist traffic. A paved road leads to the top, and a foot path even higher. We watched the seagulls soar below us and heard the muffled roar of the waves hitting the rocks far below. Sheep on the steep cliff across the bay looked like white dots of wool stuck to the heather.

A birds eye view of the cliffs and sea.

This girl was perched above the cliffs and much braver than me.

Sure footed sheep above a sandy beach west of the big cliffs.

The perfect place for a picnic . . . overlooking the Cliffs of Bunglas.

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