Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas . . . A Time to Stay in Touch

I love this time of year. Every afternoon, Gene heads out to the mailbox and brings back a handful of cards. He's diligent about staying in touch with old friends, and they, in turn, with him. We get cards from England and Australia, and from all over the country . . . even as far away as Tucson, Arizona!

Today the Sisson's card came in the mail. They moved to Tucson a few years back, and Kim, the Mom, hand crafts a new card each year. The four boys, Adam, Jake, Matt and Alex, all write special greetings, as do Kim and Rick.

Thought I'd share Rick's greeting with all of you:

"I said to God the other day 'How could we be through the first decade of the millennium already?' and He said 'Who are you?' Note to self: Work on relationship with God."

And Kim's message:

" . . . May you be filled with the grace to know how good you are. You are truly a gift to me."

Thank you Sissons for staying in touch, for reminding us of a few important things and for being the Christmas gift you are!

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