Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Life for Liberty Call

Liberty Call AKA CrewZen

Julie, Glen's girl friend

Glen, Gene and Angela

Glen took us out in his ski boat for a day on the bay in San Diego. While cruising around the marina, we searched for and found Liberty Call, now disguised as a tourist fun-in-the-sun day sailer. Gene sold the boat to Sail San Diego about three years ago. The company purchased a second Catalina 400 and now have two boats in their fleet. Both were headed out for day sails, and we were able to snap a photo of Liberty Call (now named CrewZen) working hard at her new job. She's been stripped of her bimini, dodger, outboard motor and other "cruising" necessities, has new sails and looks pretty sleek zipping through the water!

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