Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Crabb Beach Party

The beach was packed!

Linda (Gene's sister)

Emily Wanous (Gene's nephew's wife)

Mike Wanous and daughter Emily

Pauline Crabb

It was warm, sunny and the perfect day for swimming and surfing. We were up at 7:00 a.m. to snag a table for our family picnic. We ate, swam, dug in the sand, made s'mores and played cards until the sun set. An altogether great day for the Crabbs.

Glen (Sue's son) showed up early for a visit, and upon arriving at the gate at Camp Pendleton announced, "I'm here to see the Crabbs on the beach." The guard looked at him leerily until Glen stammered, "I mean, uh, the Crabb reunion on the beach." They let him enter.

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