Friday, July 3, 2009

Here's Jack!

Jack is a happy little guy.

Shawnda, Janet and Jack . . . happy to be in Ohio!

Janet's Mom and Stepdad, Joy and Steve, and one of the twins with Janet, Shawnda and Jack.

Jack, Shawnda and Janet arrived in Ohio on Saturday. Janet's folks, Joy and Steve, welcomed them to their country home in Bluffton. Steve's grandfather settled in this farming community years ago, and their home is just a mile or so from the old farm. Gene and I left Indian Lake State Park and joined them for dinner on Sunday. Janet's sister and twin brothers, all college students, were also home. It was a great reunion.

Joy found an almost new crib, matching rocker and portable play pen at a garage sale. Jack giggled for the very first time when Shawnda placed him in the crib. He's a happy, smiley, healthy little guy who will have great fun running around his Ohio grandparents yard as he grows up.

On Tuesday, Janet and Shawnda headed up to Ann Arbor to start house hunting. Their new jobs begin the middle of July, so they have a few weeks to get settled. We wish them love and good luck in their big move!

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