Monday, June 8, 2009


View from Volterra . . . it was windy and cloudy that day.

Our canopy bed at Romantica Pucci.

Our country inn in Tuscany.

Our dillema . . . spening time in Rome and missing the hilltop towns of Tuscany or vise versa. We opted for Tuscany. Rome will have to be another trip.

We chose Volterra for our first stop. This walled city sits high above rich farmland and is famous for its alabaster. The city saved its ancient entry gate from Nazi bombing by filling it in with stones that paved its main street. We had a delicious lunch before heading on to . . .

Asiano where we found a country inn, the Loggia di Sopra, a farm house B&B that rents five of its rooms. Asiano is off the beaten path and also a walled city (there seems to be one around each curve). Card playing locals fill the tables on the main walking street. We bought cheese, NA beer, wine, bread and olives and headed back to our inn for an early evening picnic to watch the sun set.

Our final night was spent in a small hotel called Romantica Pucci in Bagnoregio. We had a lovely Sunday drive through winding, hilly roads to get there . . . though I enjoyed it more than Gene who was doing all the driving! After a dinner of homemade ravioli, truffles and potatoes with cheese, and rabbit stuffed with olives and potatoes, Gene took a nap and I headed out to Civita, a deserted jewel perched on an adjoining hill.

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