Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Walled City of Glurns

Walkway under the arches in Glurns, Italy.

Farmer on his way to a bar after parking his hay cutter at the square.

The narrow lane leading to our hotel.

View of the sheep below our balcony.

The last stop before our arrival at Lake Como was the tiny, walled city of Glurns, Italy. Established in 1307, today's population is still only 800-900. The narrow streets are lined with two story houses, some of which have archways over their doorways. I walked down one and almost had to duck. The ceiling was only an inch or two over my head.

As we ate dinner in the square that night, a farmer pulled his hay cutter into the square, jumped down from the seat and headed for a bar across the street. This is still very much "rural" Italy. It is hay cutting time, and entire families are in the field raking and turning the hay.

Our second story room in a small residential B&B overlooked a pasture with sheep, fruit orchards, and in the distant, the snow-capped Dolomites. The owners of the inn were busy tending their vegetable garden when we arrived.

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