Thursday, May 14, 2009

On the Adriatic!

We are having a wonderful time sailing the Adriatic. The catamaran we chartered is roomy, new and clean. Yesterday, we had good wind and had "Jeronimo" up to 7 knots. It has been fun being on the water, but we also get a treat when we head ashore.

There are many mideviel(sp) towns on the islands, plus Roman ruins. Also great restaurants and ice cream stores. Gene is a happy skipper. The crew is relaxed, enjoying the sunny weather and calm seas.

Could not download photos at this little internet cafe. Will try next time.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hi! I just found out you have a blog. Should have rememebered from your other travels. This trip sounds GREAT. Wish I were there, not here where it's already hot as hell. And where we are WORKING every day. I look forward to seeing many wonderful pictures. Eat lots of exotic food for me. Love, Kath