Monday, April 21, 2008

On The Road!

First stop . . . Casa Grande and lunch with Jan Clarke, daughter Dena and newborn Alexandra. Jan looks and sounds much better than a few months ago. So glad we had this visit.

Next stop: Rest area overlooking Las Cruces, New Mexico, where we fixed dinner and watched the lights come on in the city below. One hour later we were in El Paso. Drove thru the historic downtown past St. Patrick's Cathedral. Wondered if any of the Munzingers attended school there. El Paso is hilly and rises above the Rio Grande. We pulled into the Elks Club on Cliff Street where we could see downtown buildings and the lights of Ciudad Juarez spread out across the river and twinkling below us on the Mexico side.

The next morning we found a Costco and filled up ($3.22 gal.) and started off for Big Bend. It was windy today. Lots of blowing dust as we headed east on I-10. At Van Horn, TX, we turned SE on I-90. No more semi's!!! Much easier and less stressful driving. We love it!

Lunch at Marfa, famous for its mysterious "Marfa lights" that blink on and off over the desert. But it being noon . . . we pressed on after a great barbecue lunch at an old adobe house called the Blue Moon. Turned south on Rte. 67 and saw our first antelope herd, then east thru Big Bend Ranch State Park along the Rio Grande. Lots of ghost towns with collapsing adobe and rock houses.

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