Friday, August 28, 2009

The 23 Cent Hug

Gene dropped me off at the UPS office on Camp Pendelton to mail a package to my sister Joan. It was a busy morning, and I was in line behind two marines. They filled out their form, gave it to the clerk with their package and she rang up their charges.

"I can't believe we're 23 cents short!", stated the first marine. He turned to head out the door, as if to go hunt for loose change under his car seat. "Wait, I've got 23 cents," I announced. He paused, turned around and accepted the dollar bill I offered.

"Did you say 'thank you'", his friend asked. At that he came over to me, handed me my change, and said "Come here" while opening his arms to me. I felt like a military mom as he gave me a big bear hug. It was the best 23 cents I'd ever spent!

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