Photo: Gene and daughter Lori Taylor at the Missouri River
We've had a relaxing five days with our RV parked along side the Taylor house in Norfolk, Nebraska. Lori arrived home from India on Saturday after a grueling 51 hour journey from Hyderabad, India, via Dubai, London, Washington, DC and Chicago. Rerouting was required due to Lufthansa being on strike. I don't know where she gets her energy, but she got back on the Nebraska clock like she had never left.
Sunday brought a stream of people through the house . . . mostly teens who look to Dale and Lori for guidance and friendship. The role they have chosen at their church is to mentor young people, thus Lori's trip to India to a school they support and Dale's trip to Mexico and the mission where they spent 20 years. Theirs is a mission of faith in action, they proactively participating in outreach programs positively affecting members of their church community, youth and the poor in other countries.
Yesterday, we had some fun. We hopped in the car and drove northwest to the town of Lynch, Nebraska, population 246. Lynch is the smallest city in America with its own hospital, all privately funded. It's right on the border with South Dakota and MILES from just about everything. Ben Davy's grandmother Beth (Ben is Lori's son-in-law) has lived on a farm here for the past 50+ years. Her closest neighbor is miles away, and at 77 years, she still raises cattle and hay. Even mows her own hay two or three times during the growing season. A few winters ago Beth spent 10 days snowed in without electricity or phone. She kept the pot bellied stove burning, stoked the fire every few hours and hung in there until the electricity came back on. Fifty years of "hanging in there" have prepared her for every eventuality. She's a wonderful woman greatly admired by all of her family and friends.
It was interesting to see the farm and fun birdwatching. As I was looking at cardinals, bluejays, goldfinches and swallows, I heard a strange clucking. The sound turned out to be three turkeys headed for the mulberry tree loaded with plump berries. Took a drive down to the Missouri River where Beth's family go fishing when they visit her. Directly across the river is the Rosebud Indian Reservation and the rolling green hills of South Dakota. We hope we can get back here to visit again one day.
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