Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sitges, Spain

Arrived at this resort area on the Mediterranean Sea on Sunday. The town is 90% residential and 10% restaurants and shops, with narrow, one-way streets, three-story condos and hotels shoulder to shoulder . . . and no place to park. We found a garage and wheeled our luggage one block to our hotel. We´ve had great hotel rooms so far, but this one was so-so. On the plus side, it had a cute balcony overlooking the street and included breakfast in a sunny salon. On the negative side, you knew what time the bars closed (3 am) by the boisterous drinkers heading home. I dug out my military issued earplugs from the flight over. Your tax dollars at work!

On Sunday we explored the beachfront, a long passeo or walkway along the waterfront, and the old town, with even narrower streets and medieval fascades. On the beach, a group of vagabonds had created a life size sand sculpture of the "Last Supper" and were accepting tips. One of the apostles donned a suit and tie. Discovered a creperie for a late snack.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hi: Thanks for the info on Barcelona. That will be helpful when we get there. Spain sounds terrific! Got an email from Carol on their trip. They're doing fine. Keep writing -- love reading about your adventures. Love, KS