Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lake Cahuilla Campout

On Christmas Day, we drove to Desert Hot Springs in California and arrived shortly after 1 pm. We put a prime rib in the electric roasting pan and waited for the kids to arrive. Sue's son Glen, as well as Terri, Nanaette, Courtney and Justin, Angela and Becky arrived just as the roast was done. After dinner, some of us got on our bathing suits and jumped in the natural hot spring fed pools at the RV resort. A grand way to spend Christmas!

A few days later, we joined Sam's Radio Hams RV group at Lake Cahuilla for a campout. We hiked, sat by the campfire, and listened to some of the members play their guitars and other instruments, while some sang.

Marcia Bruno, Roger and Carol Kepner, Alma DeSmith and Larry Holt entertain us on a sunny afternoon.

It's a dog's life . . . music and sunshine!

We took a day trip to Joshua Tree National Park where rock climbing is popular.

There was a little snow on the ground!

The beautiful rocks reflected in the lake at Barker Dam, built as a reservoir to water cattle.

Shadow dancing: . . . the shadow of a Joshua tree in late afternoon on one of the huge boulders.

Christmas Eve in Arizona

Christmas Eve is one family gathering we all try not to miss. In my 65 years on this earth, I can't remember missing one! This year we all met at Kathy's house, had wonderful baked ham, salads and cookies, our traditional "First Christmas" puppet show, then all donned antlers and gloves and went carolling door-to-door. When we returned to Kathy's house, Santa arrived and passed out gifts for the little ones.

Gene tries on the reindeer antlers.

Max Munzinger visits with Santa Clause (who looks alot like Uncle Phil).

Alana and Ariel (Sue's great grandaughters) sit on Santa's lap.

Max Munzinger (with dad Kurt) behind the scenes at the puppet show.

This year we started a new tradition . . . carolling!

Farewell, Dear Sister!

The family of Louise Quick gathers for a photo at the celebration of her life.

Louise would have had a smile on her face . . . seeing all her favorite family members gathered together . . . enjoying hugs . . . getting updates on new babies, family travels, plans for the future . . . eating good food . . . watching a slide show made just for her.

On December 12, 2010, the Crabbs and the Quicks remembered Louise and celebrated her life. Louise's sister, Linda, did the planning and inviting. We gathered at the mobile home park where Louise's mother once enjoyed get togethers with family and friends and swimming in the park pool.

The day before, on Saturday, Gene and Linda, along with two of Louise's sons and a daughter, scattered her ashes on calm waters off Dana Point, California. Flower leis danced beside the container Mike gently placed on the water. Rose petals marked her final path. Linda read the 23rd Psalm for Louise and for John who was connected to us by phone in Hawaii. Ave Maria played softly in the background. Louise would have had a smile on her face, but we had tears in our eyes.