You can take the sailor away from the sea, but you can't take the sea away from the sailor! As a member of the Phoenix "Perch Base" of the United State Submarine Veterans, Gene is once again connected to his Navy buddies.
At a recent banquet, the United States Submarine Veterans welcomed Gene as a new member of the Holland Club. Named after the USS Holland, the Navy's first submarine, the club honors veterans who qualified in subs over 50 years ago.
Qualifying on a submarine was no easy task. For officers, it took up to a year of study in every aspect of running a submarine. After graduating from sub school in Groton, Connecticut, Gene was assigned to the USS Catfish, SS 339, in San Diego. In order to qualify, he had to be recommended by his commanding officer to the squadron commander and then reviewed by a board consisting of a division commander and two other commanders. Tests included a sea trial and in port examinations. Officers and enlisted men alike were required to know all submarine systems, including engines, water, electrical, air, hydraulics, torpedoes, etc. Once qualified, a submariner was allowed to proudly wear the dolphin pin on his lapel.
Imagine 72 men and 8 officers aboard a submarine, all cross-trained to do each others jobs. The men relied on each other and their thorough knowledge of operating the submarine to run it safely and efficiently.
Congratulations, Commander Crabb. Job well done!